Human Resource Managers: Help Your Staff in One Step
Employee money troubles are a drag.
They distract your team from performing at their best. Stress and worries about financial matters lead to absenteeism, loss of focus, moodiness, and even theft. According to studies, 1 in 4 coworkers are facing real difficulties.
What can you do as a Human Resource Manager?
Print the poster below and hang it on the break room wall. You’ll provide a discreet avenue for staff to find trustworthy help. Whether you have a single parent in search of solutions to collect child support, or a stressed employee who needs a free call with a non-profit debt relief counselor, they can find the right phone number.
Free Tool For HR
Break Room Poster
A favorite among smart Human Resource Managers. Reduce your employee worries about money, so they can concentrate on their performance. This item currently hangs in over 400,000 workplace lunchrooms.