Print a List of Helplines Now
Do you work with people who occasionally have Money Troubles? Find your preferred format, and print out your list of helplines.
Break Room Poster
A favorite among smart Human Resource Managers. Reduce your employee worries about money. Improve their performance. This item currently hangs in over 400,000 workplace lunchrooms. Full size posters also available by mail, see below.
Small Dayplanner Insert (6″x9″)
Social Workers, counselors and therapists love this handy list of help lines. Our very first design, we’re a little nostalgic about these. Available in a sturdy card stock./p>
Large Dayplanner Insert (9″x11″)
For Hospitals, Health Centers, and Civic Groups, this size fits in a 3-ring reference binder.
Reference Card for Collectors
If you are a collection agency with a heart (yes we’re serious), use these lists to help your troubled debtors with their other bills. Research shows that collectors who provide counseling and help, do collect more in the end.
EAP Reference Card
Employee Assistance Professionals love these reference cards to refer to when financial troubles strike their client employees.
Sheriff Civil Process Handout
For Civil Process Servers. When you bring troubling court documents to the families of your community, now you can leave some hope behind. Help your community, help your neighbors. To see a short video about these, click here.
The Tower of Help
HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agencies use this handy reference guide to help their clients with all kinds of money troubles. It folds to a 3-sided tower and stands on your desk, ready to help.
Order by Mail : Need a large quantity for a specific purpose? We’ll send them no charge.