Toll Free Helplines
Since 2005, CareConnect USA has published free helplines/hotlines for families to receive financial assistance. They are currently listed on thousands of government, educational, and civic association websites. NASA, the Smithsonian Institute, and the Armed Forces Family Support Network share them with their workforces. These national helplines are posted in over 300,000 workplaces across the USA.
Each helpline routes to reputable government offices, non-profit outreach centers, and privately administered help centers.
Helplines for Financial Assistance
Child Support Enforcement …. (888) 369-0323
For custodial parents due support, experts can offer advice, direction and local resources.
Free Bankruptcy Advice …. (888) 734-2585
For those suffering from burdensome debt, this helpline will connect you with a caring attorney for a free consultation. Find out if bankruptcy will offer a fresh start free from debt, or stop foreclosure.
Mortgage Relief Helpline …. (888) 770-7312
Families falling behind on mortgage payments may speak with a housing expert at no charge to discuss government programs available to catch up missed payments, stop foreclosure or reduce payments.
Debt Relief Helpline …. (888) 790-1337
For families struggling with credit card debts or medical bills, relief is available from non-profit agencies. Speak with a debt management expert to discuss your bills and whether you can reduce your monthly payments and interest.
Collection Complaint Hotline …. (888) 752-3028
Collection agencies which call you at work or multiple times per day may be breaking the law. By filing one collection complaint you can stop calls, and in some cases be compensated for your troubles.
Tax Relief Helpline …. (888) 452-7841
Taxpayers who owe back taxes may speak with a tax relief agency about options available to reduce tax debts to a manageable level. In some cases, debts can be nearly eliminated depending on hardship.
Student Loan Relief Helpline …. (888) 856-2668
For graduates, parents, and even grandparents with student loan debts, the US Department of Education offers new programs of student loan relief. Income based payment programs allow you to reduce your payments to an affordable level. This helpline offers a free discussion with a student loan relief expert about reducing payments, emerging from default, and reversing wage garnishments.
Credit Score Improvement .… (888) 537-4633
Call for a free consultation with trustworthy credit experts. In today’s economy, lenders and employers are requiring higher scores. Learn if you qualify to raise your credit score.
How the Helplines are Routed
Although the helplines service callers nationally, they are locally serviced by government agencies, non-profit outreach groups and legal clinics on the local level. In other words, no matter which state someone calls from, they will be routed to an agency which can help them where they live.
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